Wednesday, January 27, 2010

A Quick Anecdote

I had a real fun couple minutes this morning. They went like this: First, I got out of Arabic and Arabic James and I were talking about something. I think we were talking about how he went to Dr. Doug's class yesterday instead of our class. Then Arabic Jenni showed up and walked beside us and started saying something to which Arabic James responded, but then we saw Rachel Manning and They went crazy (Arabic James and Rachel Manning). They ran to each other and hugged and acted as if it;d been forever since they;d seen each other. Then Arabic Jenni was all like "Why didn't YOU greet her like that?" and I was like "I didn't date one of her roommates all last semester." I had stopped and Arabic Jenni kept on walking, so I three small lengths of thread attached to me: One from me to Arabic Jenni, one to Arabic James and Rachel Manning, and one to the Library. I don't like people, so I went to the Library, but then a wonderful idea came to me: if I went home and showered and did my Book of Mormon reading now, I would have all the time after Poly Sci to do my revision project. Plus I could get more supplies. I decided to do that. This is where the fun starts.
I was walking from the Library to the JFSB square and snow was lightly drifting down, almost imperceptibly. I was walking by some one and I heard him say to his friend in a slightly aggravated tone: "Dude, I'm pretty sure God does NOT have dandruff..." Then they were out of earshot. I laughed because of his seriousness and decided to update my Fbook status, so I pulled out my phone and started texting. Arabic James was still talking to Rachel Manning, but Arabic Jenni had already jumped ship into the JFSB, presumably on her way to the HRLC. I walked through the square trying to text with my gloves on, so it took a little bit of time and I was approaching the planters on the other side when I started worrying about running into people. I remembered someone talking about how annoying it was when people were texting and not watching where they were walking. I almost felt guilty, but remembered that walking-speed collisions don't hurt that much and sometimes even lead to marriage. No problem. I kept on texting. Then some one said "Hey, watch where you're going!" I looked up and it was Arabic Alex. "Fine!" I said, "I'll just sit her and finish the text." So, I sat down and finished the text.
As I was pushing the send button, I heard two voices saw "Scott!" I looked up and had already starting walking with them before I realized it was Steph Tardiff and Scott Haynie. "Hey, kids." I said. Then Steph said, "Where are you going." "Home," I said. "You're walking in the wrong way," she said. "I know," I said. "Do you have an 8-o'clock class?" she asked. "Yeah." I said. "And you have a break right now?" she asked. We were in the middle of the JFSB square by now and I said, "Yeah, My next class is at 11..." I said just as a girl from my 11-o'clock class walked by in front of us, "with that girl." I pointed at her, which was okay because she wasn't facing me. Then I said slightly quieter, "Hi, Meg." that's her name. Then Meg waved her hand, without even looking back. Ha! And here I was, thinking she hadn't heard what I said or even recognized me. Boy, was I wrong. She sure got me there.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Barry McFly?

So, the other day, I was at work. Also, it was Tuesday. I had just run there from that one class, MESA 201. There's a Jewish lady in that class. I don't know if she really is or not. Arabic Jenni said she was a Jewess from Israel, but then I talked to her once and we shared a paper to take a quiz on. When I talked to her, she said that she was from LA. So, I'm faced with a decision: do I believe the Arabic Jenni, or the lady herself. Also, she's not old. She's young. Also, she's in Hebrew 4-something-something. I wish I were there. She also knows some Arabic, and I don't know her major. Probably MESA, because she's in the MESA class and didn't raise her hand when it was asked for those who are not MESA majors to raise their hands. I wonder what year she is...
So, I went to work. And when I got there, I saw Barry. I like Barry. He's a freshman from somewhere up in Washington. He always wears a hat that has a 'B' on it, so it was really easy to learn his name. When I saw him, for some reason, a question immediately came to my mind: Did he time travel over the weekend? I mean, it was a three-day weekend... A lot could happen. For some reason, it just looked like he got a little older and wiser, more experienced since I had seen him last, the Thursday before. There are all sorts of movies about people having great adventures and stuff in short times, weekends and the like, but because I was thinking about a time-travel adventure, time is really not an issue. I could have a time-travel adventure in the one single moment our time, but I might experience YEARS during the endeavor. So, if I look suddenly reeealalllyyy old... you'll know what's up. But, in order to find out if Barry had gone on any wonderful ventures, I decided to resort to stratagem. I had to trip him up somehow. Catch him in his words. So, I went up to him and asked him: "Hey, Barry, how was your weekend?" Crossed my fingers. "It was good," He said. "Yeah? Do anything fun or exciting?" "Well, I went to a dance on Friday... with Helaman and DT and Heritage and Wyview..." HA! I had him. On two accounts. First: he mentioned a dance. Time travelers always go to dances. Marty McFly, Bill and Ted, Bill Murray. Dead giveaway that the person had been on a wild time adventure over the weekend. Secondly: He said that DT was at the triple dance. DT is DEAD! There is no longer any DT and thus no one from there to go to a dance. He must've gone somewhere back in time to go to a dance that was once had, but was not over this weekend. Some time between when Wyview was built and DT destroyed. But, Wyview is pretty recent. They were first built in 1996, but we only family student housing. It wasn't until 2003 that they became single student housing facilities, too. And The last people to live in DT were in 2006-07 year. So really, Barry had a really crappy time travel experience, he only went, at most, seven years in the past. I mean, if you're going to travel back in time, at least go somewhere cool. Seven years ago I was 15. Just a freshman in high school. Really not the most exciting time of my life. My jealousy of Barry has now turned into sympathy. He's prolly really sad that he only went back in time a couple years. Didn't even break the decade. Poor kid. He is the first time traveler I know and, for all I know, the effects of his journey won't be felt for hundreds of years down the line. A waste of a time trip, if you ask me.
I wonder what other adventures people have that I never find out about. Now that I found out about one of them, I'm sure there are more of them going on. Maybe someday I'll not only find out about one of them, but maybe I'll be able to join one. A boy can sure dream.