So, the MTC tonight. Have you ever had anything go as like you daydreamed in your head? I have. Tonight. Ha! Let me even tell you.
So, I knew that there was going to be another volunteer tonight, so I figured it wouldn't be like last night where we had an hour and a half to talk just about Japanese. Right before I left and all the way until I got to the room that we were meeting in, I was really worried that I wasn't supposed to go tonight. Like I was concerned I was being pretentious, I mean, there was already someone coming tonight, why did I need to come? Was it for the couples or for myself? To get some sort of satisfaction out of teaching, some validation at something I felt went well the night before. So, I was nervous going in because I didn't want the couples and the cute tutor to think that I was there just to get my power trip fix. But, I went all the same. I dressed in church clothes because they'd invited me to the senior testimony meeting after the lesson. That was another point of concern. I didn't want them to think I was being pretentious in that I thought myself a teacher because yesterday went well.
So, I had all those thoughts going through my head as I arrived at the MTC. When I got to the TRC office/room and the person there told me what we were doing he said that I would be working with one of the Elders on his testimony and he gave me a sheet of vocab that we could go over. I was sad because I would only get to talk to one of them. Elder Rogers IS great, but I wanted to see them all! But when I got to the room they asked me to go to, I saw that everyone was there! I was real happy. And as I walked in Sister Rogers said "Well, now you're dressed like a man." So, my concerns about my clothes and the message they send were gone. We sang "I am a Child of God" in Japanese and I didn't have anything to look at, so I sang from memory, but I forgot some words. The first part of the night we just talked about in-field language learning plans. I still had some of those weird feelings inside running around, so I was pretty quiet. Then the second volunteer came about fifteen minutes after I got there. We finished the discussion and then started working on the testimonies. I was with the Rogers' and we went over a simple testimony. They did great seeing as how they just got to the MTC on Wednesday and had only had two days of Japanese. Sister Rogers was really working on her pronunciation and she did great. We took a little longer on that than we should have and ended a couple minutes late, around 7:05. The testimony meeting started at 7. The other volunteer left and said "Thanks" and I was saying goodbye to the Christenson's when I remembered that I had left the sheet of paper with the vocab to practice in the room. The man told me to give it back when I was done, so I went back into the room, but I couldn't find it. No one was specifically inviting me to the testimony meeting, so I was real close to just slipping away. I crossed the hall to go to the office and Sister Eckstrom, the tutor, saw me and asked "Scott, are you coming to the Testimony meeting?" "Can I?" I asked. "If you'd like to." She said. "It's easier to ask permission later!" So, completely forgetting about the vocab sheet, I followed them to the main building for the testimony meeting.
I felt really weird at the testimony meeting because I was the only one that wasn't a missionary or a MTC teacher. I was an anomaly. I again had those feelings of nervousness. A lot of missionaries got up and bore testimony in a lot of European languages. There was another Japanese missionary couple. They had an actual Japanese person as their tutor, unlike the Rogers' and Christenson's who had Sister Eckstrom, a Dutch speaker. I guessed it was the Norie they had talked about yesterday. Both of the Christenson's got up and bore their testimonies. They probably made a goal to do so because they're leaving Monday morning. Sister Rogers also bore her testimony. She did great. I was real proud of her. Then there was time and no one was getting up, so the guy asked for the tutors to get up. Most did. I wasn't a tutor, so I didn't. Then we had a closing prayer.
I said goodbye to the Christenson's and talked a little about Japan with them. I was stalling so that I could talk to Sister Eckstrom. I wanted to ask her how to become a Tutor. But, again the nervousness. I hoped that someone else would bring it up. Sister Rogers did just that. "Scott," she said, "I guess you won't be with us anymore. Thanks for all your help. You're a wonderful teacher. Why don't you become a teacher? You should work here!" and I was all like "nah, I'm not that good. Thanks. No, really. Oh you're too kind." but Sister Eckstrom was all like "Scott, would you like to work here?" but just then Sister Christenson tapped me on the shoulder to say goodbye one more time. After that, everyone left, but I caught Sister Eckstrom as she was picking up her bag to leave. "So, Sister Eckstrom," I said, "I have a question. How..." I started and she said "Do you become a tutor?" finishing my sentence. "Yeah," I smiled, "I have had the most amazing time here these last two nights and I'd like to do this if I could." "Yeah, well, I think you'd be great. I was going to tell my supervisor about you. You've been great. Let's talk to this one guy." So we talked to this one guy and he said I just needed to fill out the app online and then go in for the demo lesson and they'd call for a language proficiency check and then an interview. But I was concerned because I'll probably be in Japan in the summer, so should I apply now or wait until I get back from Japan? And he said that they could use me these next two months before school gets out. So I said I'd go home and fill out the app. Then Sister Eckstrom and the guy said great, we'll tell our boss about you, the Training Supervisor. I guess she's in charge of hiring.
So, I went home and told David all of this and he said, "Are you serious?!" because we had basically fantasized about this situation last night when I got home. "Dude, that's how you get hired at the MTC." He also said. He said he'd help me prepare my demo lesson. I think I'll go in on Tuesday and do it because I have class and then I'm doing my taxes at the Tanner on Monday, but Tuesday I have free. I'm really excited. If I really prepare and work hard to make it a good lesson, I think I have a shot at working at the MTC! Momma will be so proud.
And that's my story about how my daydreams became a reality tonight. Then I came home and watched Seven Years in Tibet with David, Jordan, and David's China girl. That wasn't really part of the fantasizing, but it's acceptable. Hope you slept well, it's 3:32 am, so I'm going to sleep now. Bye!